1. maternal

adj. of, relating to, belonging to, or characteristic of a mother

ex. Doctors are concerned about the effects of the drug onmaternal health.

Related Words:parentalfemalefemininewomanishwomanlike,womanlymatriarchalmatronlycaringgivingnurturing


2. mediate

verb.  occupying a middle position

          exhibiting indirect causation, connection, or relation

ex. has a black-and-white view of human nature, believing that there is no mediate state between good and evil



3. menace

noun.  one that represents a threat/ a show of intention to inflict harm

ex. There was an atmosphere of menace in the city.



4. mingle

verb. to bring or mix together or with something else usually without fundamental loss of identity :  intermix

ex. Several flavors mingle in the stew.



5. mumble

verb. to utter words in a low confused indistinct manner

ex. He mumbled something and then left.

     He mumbled Goodbye and then left.

Synonyms:chunter [British], gruntmouthmurmurmutter


6. muse

verb. to become absorbed in thought; especially :  to turn something over in the mind meditatively and often inconclusively

ex. I could sell the house, she mused, but then where would I go?


7. nibble

verb. to bite gently/ to eat or chew in small bits

ex. We nibbled on some cheese and crackers before dinner.

Related Words:grazenoshsnacktaste


8. novice

noun. a person admitted to probationary membership in a religious community

ex. He's a novice in cooking.



9. oath

noun. (1) :  a solemn usually formal calling upon God or a god to witness to the truth of what one says or to witness that one sincerely intends to do what one says (2) :  a solemn attestation of the truth or inviolability of one's words

ex. He uttered an oath and walked away.





10. obstinate

adj. perversely adhering to an opinion, purpose, or course in spite of reason, arguments, or persuasion <obstinateresistance to change>

       not easily subdued, remedied, or removed <obstinatefever>

ex. My parents remain as obstinate as ever.



11. odds

noun. (1) :  a difference favoring one of two opposed things<overwhelming odds> (2) :  a difference in terms of advantage or disadvantage <what's the odds, if thinking so makes them happy — Flora Thompson>

         (1) :  the probability that one thing is so or will happen rather than another :  chances <the odds are against it> (2):  the ratio of the probability of one event to that of an alternative event

        an allowance granted by one making a bet to one accepting the bet and designed to equalize the chances favoring one of the bettors


12. ornament

noun.  something that lends grace or beauty/ one whose virtues or graces add luster to a place or society

ex. The columns are there purely as ornament—they have no structural function.



13. overflow

verb. to cover with or as if with water 

ex. The river overflowed its banks.

      Books and papers overflowed his desk.


14. parlor

noun. a room used primarily for conversation or the reception of guests: as

ex. an ice cream parlor with an old-timey theme

Related Words:spotstationfacilityinstallationclubhousedendive,hole


15. patron

noun. a person chosen, named, or honored as a special guardian, protector, or supporter

          a wealthy or influential supporter of an artist or writer


ex. She is a well-known patron of the arts.

Related Words:consumerend useruserbuyercorrespondent,purchaservendeebrowserprospectshopperwindow-shopperbargainerhagglerregular


16. peril

noun. exposure to the risk of being injured, destroyed, or lost : danger <fire put the city in peril>

ex. People are unaware of the peril these miners face each day.



17. perish

verb.  to become destroyed or ruined :  cease to exist

ex. Two people perished in the fire.

     The civilization perished after 500 years.



18. pier

noun.  a structure (as a breakwater) extending into navigable water for use as a landing place or promenade or to protect or form a harbor

ex. tied the boat up at the pier

Related Words:berthmooringslipembarcadero [West]; dockyard,marinaquayageshipyardwharfage


19. prairie

noun. a large area of level or rolling land in the Mississippi River valley that in its natural uncultivated state usually has deep fertile soil, a cover of tall coarse grasses, and few trees

ex. Millions of buffalo once roamed the prairies.

Synonyms:campochampaigndown(s)grasslandheathlea (orley), llanomoorpampaplainsavanna (also savannah),steppetundraveld (or veldt)


20. prick

verb. a mark or shallow hole made by a pointed instrument/ a pointed instrument or weapon

ex. She felt a prick as the thorn jabbed her foot.

Related Words:gougegroovehollowbreakcutgashincision,lacerationnotchrentripruptureslashslittear


21. prune

verb. to reduce especially by eliminating superfluous matter

        to cut off or cut back parts of for better shape or more fruitful growth

ex. Those trees need to be pruned every year.


Synonyms:bobcropcutcut backdocklop (off)nipparepoll,clipshaveshearsniptrim


22. rack

noun. a framework for holding fodder for livestock/ an instrument of torture on which a body is stretched

        (1) :  a cause of anguish or pain (2) :  acute suffering

         a framework, stand, or grating on or in which articles are placed


23. rally

verb.  to muster for a common purpose/  to recall to order/ to arouse for action

ex. Protesters staged an antiwar rally.

Synonyms:marshaling (also marshalling), mobilizationrallyingcall to arms


24. realm

noun. a primary marine or terrestrial biogeographic division of the earth's surface

ex. new discoveries in the realm of medicine



25. rattle

verb. to make a rapid succession of short sharp noises <the windows rattled in the wind>

         to chatter incessantly and aimlessly

Synonyms:babelblareblusterbowwowbrawlbruit [archaic],cacophonychatterclamorclangordecibel(s)din,discordancekatzenjammerracketnoiseroar




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