1. confine 

noun. something (as borders or walls) that encloses <outside the confines of the office or hospital — W. A. Nolen>also :  something that restrains <escape from the confines of soot and clutter — E. S. Muskie>

ex. We ' ll confine our discussion to the main issue .  

Synonyms:capcircumscribelimithold downrestrict


2. conquer

verb. to overcome by mental or moral power

ex. Scientists believe the disease can be conquered.



3. conscience 

noun. the sense or consciousness of the moral goodness or blameworthiness of one's own conduct, intentions, or character together with a feeling of obligation to do right or be good

ex. The thief must have had an attack of conscience, because he returned the wallet with nothing missing from it.


4. conservative

adj. tending or disposed to maintain existing views, conditions, or institutions

ex. She is a liberal Democrat who married a conservativeRepublican.

Synonyms:archconservativebrassboundbutton-down (or buttoned-down), die-hardhideboundmossbackedold-fashioned,old-lineold-schoolorthodoxpaleoconservative,reactionarystandpattraditionaltraditionalistic,ultraconservativeunprogressive


5. constitute 

verb. to male up or form something

ex. Women constitute 70 percent of the student population at the college.

Antonyms:close (down)phase outshut (up)


6. continental 

adj. of, relating to, or characteristic of a continent<continental waters>specifically often capitalized :  of or relating to the continent of Europe excluding the British Isles

ex. The hotel combines American comfort with continentalelegance.

Synonyms:beansbubkes (also bupkes or bupkus), jotdamndarn(also durn), diddly [slang], diddly-squat [slang], doodley-squat (or doodly-squat), figghosthootiotalick,modicumrapsquat [slang], syllabletittlewhitwhoop


7. cripple

noun. one that is disabled or deficient in a specified manner <a social cripple>

ex.Higher taxes could cripple small businesses.



8. cultivate 

verb. to prepare or prepare and use for the raising of crops; also:  to loosen or break up the soil about (growing plants)

ex. Prehistoric peoples settled the area and began to cultivatethe land.



9. curse

noun. a prayer or invocation for harm or injury to come upon one

ex. I heard him utter a curse before the microphone was shut off.

Synonyms:anathemabanexecrationimprecationmalediction,malisonwinze [Scottish]


10. cushion 

noun. a soft pillow or pad usually used for sitting, reclining, or kneeling

ex. There is a cushion under the rug to protect the floor.



11. delicate

adj. generally pleasant <the climate's delicate, the air most sweet — Shakespeare>

      pleasing to the sense of taste or smell especially in a mild or subtle way <a delicate aroma> <a robust wine will dominate delicate dishes>

ex. He has a delicate stomach and often gets sick when traveling.

12. deserve
verb.  to be worthy, fit, or suitable for some reward or requital<have become recognized as they deserve — T. S. Eliot>
ex. The team really deserved that victory after the way they played.
13. dignity
noun. the quality or state of being worthy, honored, or esteemed
         high rank, office, or position
exThe ceremony was conducted with great dignity.
14. discipline
verb.  training that corrects, molds, or perfects the mentalfaculties or moral character
ex. The teacher has a hard time maintaining discipline in the classroom.
15. disguise
verb.  to change the customary dress or appearance of
         to furnish with a false appearance or an assumed identity
ex. He tried to disguise his voice on the phone but I could tell it was him.
Synonyms:camouflagecloakdress upmask
16. dread
verb.  to fear greatly
        to feel extreme reluctance to meet or face
ex. He can't swim and dreads going in the water.
     She dreaded making speeches in front of large audiences.
Synonyms:alarm (also alarum), apprehensivenessapprehension,forebodingmisgiving
17. durable
adj. able to exist for a long time without significant deterioration; also :  designed to be durable <durable goods>
ex. This raincoat is made of very durable material .  
18. dynamic
adj.  of or relating to physical force or energy
       marked by usually continuous and productive activity or change <a dynamic city>
19. earnest 
adj.  a serious and intent mental state <a proposal made inearnest>
ex. The sidewalks were crowded as women and men argued and bargained with each other as the shopping day began in earnest. —Harold Robbins, The Storyteller, 1985.
Synonyms:seriousgravehumorlessno-nonsensepo-faced[British], sedateseveresobersobersidedsolemnstaid,uncomicunsmilingweighty
20. eliminate
verb. to put an end to or get rid of 
        to remove from consideration
ex. Doctors seek to eliminate the causes of the epidemic.
Synonyms:banbarclose outcount (out)debarexcludeexcept,freeze outrule outshut out
21. errand 
noun. an oral message entrusted to a person
         a short trip taken to attend to some business often for another <was on an errand for his mother>
ex. We were there on an errand of mercy to help provide medical care for the refugees.
22. extraordinary
adj. going beyond what is usual, regular, or customary
ex. The researchers made an extraordinary discovery.


 23. farewell

noun. get along well —used interjectionally to or by one departing

ex. They waved farewell to their friends on board the ship . 


24. flatter

verb. to praise excessively especially from motives of self-interest

ex. He flattered her with comments about her youthful appearance.

Synonyms:adulatebelaudblarneybutter uphero-worshiphoney,massageoverpraisepuffsoft-soapstroke


 25. fetch

verb. to go or come after and bring or take back <fetch a doctor>

ex. If you throw the ball the dog will fetch it.

Synonyms:bringcostgo (for)runsell (for)

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