1. solitary

adj. being, living, or going alone or without companions /  taken, passed, or performed without companions <asolitary ramble>

ex. solitary house stood on top of the cliff.

Synonyms:aloneloneoneone-offsingularsoleonlyspecialsui generisunique




2. gloom

noun. to look, feel, or act sullen or despondent / to be or become overcast

ex. We just sat there, glooming, as we waited and waited for our dinners to arrive.

Synonyms:glarefrownglowerlower (also lour), scowl


3. rim

noun. the outer often curved or circular edge or border of something /  a removable outer metal band on an automobile wheel to which the tire is attached

ex. He bought stainless steel rims for his new car.



4. freak

noun. a sudden and odd or seemingly pointless idea or turn of the mind /  a seemingly capricious action or event

ex. I had a terrible rash on my face, and I felt like a freak.





5. spontaneous

adj. proceeding from natural feeling or native tendency without external constraint / controlled and directed internally

ex. The comment was completely spontaneous.




6. inclusive

adj.  covering or intended to cover all items, costs, or services /  comprehending stated limits or extremes <from Monday to Friday inclusive>

ex.  A butterfly expert with an inclusive knowledge of his subject.

Synonyms:all-embracingall-in [chiefly British], all-inclusivebroad-gauge (or broad-gauged), compendiouscomplete,comprehensivecover-allcyclopedicembracive,exhaustivefullglobalencyclopedicin-depthomnibus,panoramicthoroughuniversal


7. sheriff

noun. an important official of a shire or county charged primarily with judicial duties (as executing the processes and orders of courts and judges)

In the U.S., the chief law-enforcement officer for the courts in a county. He is ordinarily elected, and he may appoint a deputy. The sheriff and his deputy have the power of police officers to enforce criminal law and may summon private citizens (the posse comitatus, or “force of the county”) to help maintain the peace. The main judicial duty of the sheriff is to execute processes and writs of the courts. Officers of this name also exist in England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland. In England the office of sheriff existed before the Norman Conquest (1066).


8. patrol

noun. the action of traversing a district or beat or of going the rounds along a chain of guards for observation or the maintenance of security / the person performing such an action

ex. The guard makes a patrol of the building every hour.

       Soldiers are on patrol along the border.



9. solemn

adj.  marked by the invocation of a religious sanction <a solemnoath>

        marked by the observance of established form or ceremony; specifically :  celebrated with full liturgical ceremony

ex. A solemn crowd gathered around the grave.

     We made a solemn promise to love each other forever.




10. cosmopolitan

adj.  having worldwide rather than limited or provincial scope or bearing

ex. Greater cultural diversity has led to a more cosmopolitanattitude among the town's younger generations.

      It's one of the country's more cosmopolitan cities.


Antonyms:guilelessingenuousinnocentnaive (or naïve),unsophisticateduntutoredunworldlywide-eyed


11. emigrate

verb. to leave one's place of residence or country to live elsewhere <emigrated from Canada to the United States>

ex. Many people are emigrating overseas to seek better jobs.


12. indignation

noun. anger aroused by something unjust, unworthy, or mean

ex. The decision to close the factory has aroused theindignation of the townspeople.

      He adopted a tone of moral indignation.

Synonyms:angrinessbirse [chiefly Scottish], cholerfurorfury,angeriratenessirelividitylividnessmadmadness,mood [archaic], outrageragespleenwrath,wrathfulness


13. mock

verb. to treat with contempt or ridicule  /  to disappoint the hopes of

ex. They continue to mock the idea of a new government.

      You can mock me as much as you like, but I'm going to do it anyway.

Synonyms:burlesquecaricaturedoimitatemimicparodysend up,spooftravesty



14. despise

verb. to look down on with contempt or aversion <despised the weak>

ex.  She was despised as a hypocrite.


Related Words:deploredeprecatedisapprove (of)discountenance,disdaindisfavorscorn


15. enroll

verb.  to insert, register, or enter in a list, catalog, or roll <the school enrolls about 800 pupils>

          to prepare a final perfect copy of (a bill passed by a legislature) in written or printed form

ex.  They enrolled several volunteers for the study.




16. perseverance

noun. continued effort to do or achieve something despite difficulties, failure, or opposition :  the action or condition or an instance of persevering :  steadfastness

ex. His perseverance was rewarded: after many rejections, he finally found a job.

      Perseverance is required to perfect just about any skill.


17. dedication

noun.  a devoting or setting aside for a particular purpose/  a name and often a message prefixed to a literary, musical, or artistic production in tribute to a person or cause

ex. It took a lot of hard work and dedication, but we managed to finish the project on time.





18. truant

adj. shirking responsibility

       being, resembling, or characteristic of a truant


19. accumulate

verb. to gather or pile up especially little by little

         to increase gradually in quantity or number

ex. Evidence of his guilt is accumulating.

Synonyms:ccelerateincreaseappreciateballoonboombuild up,burgeon (also bourgeon), climbenlargeescalateexpand,gainmountmultiplymushroomproliferateriseroll up,snowballspreadswellwax


20. barren

adj. incapable of producing offspring —used especially of females or matings

ex. Few creatures can thrive on these barren mountaintops.

Synonyms:bony (also boney), deaddesolatehardscrabble,impoverishedinfertilepoorstarkunfertileunproductive,waste



21. financial

adj.  relating to finance or financiers <financial aid> <thefinancial district>

ex. The company is headed for financial disaster.

      I would like some financial advice before I buy this house.



22. exhaust

verb. to consume entirely :  use up <exhausted our funds in a week>

         to deprive of a valuable quality or constituent <exhaust a photographic developer> <exhaust a soil of fertility>

ex. If they keep spending this way, they'll exhaust their savings.

      He can talk about baseball for hours and still feel that he hasn't exhausted the subject .

Synonyms:breakburn outbustdo indo updrainfagfatigue,frazzleharasskillknock outoutweartiretucker (out),wash outwearwear outwearywear to a frazzle


23. aptitude

noun. capacity for learning <an aptitude for languages> /  general suitability

ex. The new test is supposed to measure the aptitudes of the students.




24. apprentice

verb. one bound by indenture to serve another for a prescribed period with a view to learning an art or trade / one who is learning by practical experience under skilled workers a trade, art, or calling

ex. Aware that she's only an apprentice in the medical field, she readily defers to her more experienced colleagues.



25. proponent

noun.  one who argues in favor of something

ex. A vocal proponent of the use of electric-powered cars.

Synonyms:advocateadvocatorapostlebackerboosterchampion,expounderespouserfriendgospeler (or gospeller),heraldhierophanthigh priestpaladinpromoter,exponentprotagonistsupportertrue believertub-thumperwhite knight



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